If you are just joining my blog, read part one here.
My first visit to Springwater was full of discovery.
Buildings and intersections were easily recognizable. In some ways, I felt I had stepped back in time and it was so exciting to see the community Floyd Ingraham lived in and photographed.
This home located on S. Main Street/Rt 15, Springwater, New York was photographed by Floyd Ingraham (on left) in the early 20th century and by me (on right) in 2019:
Photograph on right courtesy of Paul Holbrook, used with permission.
The home Floyd Ingraham lived in is still standing on Main Street/Rt 15 in Springwater, New York:
Photo on left, courtesy of Ron and Sharon Ingraham. Used with permission.
This home was once the residence and office of a doctor on East Avenue in Springwater, New York:
Photo on left courtesy of Paul Holbrook. Used with permission.
One of my goals on this trip was to find Floyd Ingraham's grave. Some people at the historical society told me that he was buried in Mt. Vernon Evergreen Cemetery.

Located on Kellogg Road in Springwater, the cemetery is quiet and peaceful.

Up on the hill near a path I found Floyd Ingraham's headstone.

My one regret was that Paul Holbrook wasn't with me on this trip. I knew he would have loved to see Floyd Ingraham's home town, the house he lived in and where he was buried.
I took many pictures and video clips and put it together for Paul. Here is a sample of what I sent him.
Two years later, and this journey has resulted into a book! This weekend, I have returned to Springwater for my book launch and book signing. If you are in the Springwater, New York, area, please stop by my table at the Community Day Car Show on School Street in Springwater, behind the American Legion, between 9:00 am - 3:00 pm and say hello. I would love to meet you!
A hundred years ago, the community gathered for a day of games, races, food and fun together. I'm glad this small town still does the same.

Picture courtesy of Paul Holbrook. Used with permission.
Just great photos! The video is also super! Good job, Julie!